Hawaiian Rainforest Naturals are made with aloha and all natural ingredients, using plants and flowers from deep within the Ohi'a-Lehua Rainforest on the Big Island of Hawaii. This rainforest is the only one of its kind in the world and contains the most active volcano on earth with special indigenous plants and animals that are specific to this native ecosystem. Natural flower essences have been used by ancient peoples in Hawaii for hundreds of years, traditionally for soothing and balancing. This particular Gift Basket contains six of our most popular items: Soul of a Woman Flower Essence Deep Moisturizing Lotion, Soul of A Woman Bath Crystals, Soul of a Woman Flower Essence Botanical Spray Mist, and Wild Orchid Pleasure Bath Crystals, plus, for those days when you feel really stressed, our Stress Release bath crystals and soothing Stress Release Deep moisturizing formula. A wonderful set, packaged in a reusable woven lauhala gift box. INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING!